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Sunday 9AM Worship is BOTH online and in person.

Worship Times
Saturday Sabbath Service 4:00 PM is In person AND ZOOMING
Weekly Saturday Sabbath worship is always available online by Zoom and usually in person at the Hope Center. Please call the church at 603-898-2501 to get login permission. This service brings contemporary & traditional acts of worship together in God's presence so that we can give our thanks and praise. Scripture discussion and communion.
Sunday Worship Service 9:00 AM in person and YouTube
Sunday worship begins at 9:00 AM in person in the upstairs sanctuary in the front of the building on most Sundays and in the handicap accessible large first floor gathering room, Call Memorial Hall, in the rear of the building on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
This worship time is a traditional United Methodist worship service to experience God’s presence. Each service includes presentation of music and hymns, Joys & Concerns prayer, Children’s Moment, God’s Word, reflection on the Word, offerings and benediction. Music is guided by our organist Ken Lam, who plays on the piano when worshipping in Call Memorial Hall.
The Sacrament of Communion is conducted on the first and second Sunday of the month.
In the United Methodist tradition, Holy Communion is open to all who love Jesus and seek to have a relationship with Him.
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